Monday, January 1, 2018

Looking Ahead - Mark Your Calendars!

January 2nd, 6pm, Lucky 32, Greensboro
January 12th, 8pm, 2 Witches Winery & Brewing Company, Danville VA
January 20th, 7:30pm, Four Saints Brewing Company, Asheboro
January 26th, 6:46pm, The Rooster's Wife, Aberdeen UPDATE: postponed due to illness
February 2nd, 7pm, Craft City Sip-In, Greensboro
February 9th, 8pm, Pittsboro Roadhouse, Pittsboro
February 16th, 9pm, Rusted Bucket Tavern, Burlington
February 27th, 6pm, Lucky 32, Greensboro
March 24th, 7:30pm Four Saints Brewing Company, Asheboro
April 21st, 7pm, Everybus 2018, Pleasant Garden
April 24th, 6pm, Lucky 32, Greensboro
July 27th, 7pm, 4th Fridays/Musical Chairs, Burlington

Keep checking our calendar because we're lining up some great events for 2018!